Approaches to Improving the Quality of Life - How to Enhance the Quality of Life

Abbott L. Ferriss, 2010
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Medienart eBook
ISBN 9789048191482
Verfasser Abbott L. Ferriss Wikipedia
Systematik 168 - Politik
Systematik 194 - Gesellschaft
Systematik 1324 - Soziologie
Systematik 2089 - Gesellschaft
Systematik 2287 - Politik
Systematik 2294 - Soziologie
Systematik 2414 - Bibliotheken Top 100
Schlagworte Bibliotheken Top 100, Politik, Gesellschaft, Soziologie
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Jahr 2010
Umfang 150 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation After measuring the Quality of Life and identifying the deficiences in your community, what steps should you take to improve the Quality of Life? This volume reviews methods for improving the Quality of Life that are based upon improving each of the ten domains of the Quality of Life. Steps to improve health, means of reducing environmental toxins, orientation to bring about better self-concept and mental health, and so forth. In each such area, steps are set forth for eliminating undesirable and debilitating features of the domain. Social change comes about by the application of devised steps. The process has been called 'telesis'. It is the application of intelligent, well-tested interventions to bring about improvement. In some cases it may effect change quickly and others may require a continuing process of adjustment and change. As a handbook for community workers, the volume provides a framework for intervention that could lead to a better tomorrow.


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